
Successful solutions are about collaborating with our customers from planning to deployment to hosting.  Simply stated, we have a broad range of tools that enable us to implement any solution to your company’s needs quickly and securely.

Agile Software Development

We offer:

  • Database Development (SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra)
  • Website Development
  • Web Application Development and custom REST APi Development
  • Live video conferences/video hosting
  • Raspberry PI and ARM Development
  • RFID and NFC Scanning
  • Mobile app development for Android and IOS
  • Custom data visualization and metrics


Effective and efficient deployment is a crucial element for any successful project.   Good devops accelerates time to market and reduces time to revenue.  We are experts in delivering services through:

  • AWS and Azure
  • ServiceNow
  • WordPress
  • Microsoft PowerApps and Sharepoint
  • Firebase
  • BI and analytics with Tableau
  • Marketing and sales automation with Saleforce and Eloqua


Building new solutions often means finding ways to communicate with legacy systems or existing frameworks.  Our flexibility with a wide array of languages and technologies enable us to tailor our approach to maximal effectiveness:

  • C#/.NET
  • Python
  • Javascript/Node
  • PHP
  • Erlang/Elixir
  • Java

Blockchain Research Lab & development

The Blockchain R&D program at VAT is an applied research initiative focused on investigating the one to three-year horizon of the Blockchain space. The program conducts internal projects grounded in our deep understanding of industry use cases.

Through strategic partnerships, cutting-edge data science skills, and the ability to test and learn, the Blockchain R&D team stays on the bleeding edge of advancements and can act as a strategic advisor to businesses exploring the field.

Veterans Alliance Technology: Who We Are

At VAT, we help our customers discover, evaluate, architect and implement advanced technology with a specific focus on government organizations.   Our extraordinary collection of professionals deploy solutions rapidly but with an equal commitment to our customers’ long-term success.

We leverage our national pool of 1,000+ experienced IT professionals to test, interview and deliver quality consultants who are ready and able to deliver great business outcomes the moment they walk through your door.

How We Can Make A Difference



All of our methodologies are designed around producing the highest quality solution available. The goal is always to provide a result that will remain effective in the long term.



Technology and our clients needs change quickly and our company has the flexibility to adapt and implement the right solutions for the moment and in the long term.



We understand that any solution, no matter how impressive looking, that does not employ the highest level of security is really no solution at all.  Every element of our approach places a premium on protecting your data.



Our process and resources allow us to develop effective solutions quickly. Our experienced team can assess your needs and get to the right result within your timeline.

Contact Us

Contact us any time to discuss how we can help your business innovate and grow.

Contact Us

The Team

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Jason Wadsworth

Co-Founder, CEO

Jason is an Air Force Veteran with 20 years of government experience. His interest in technology led him to establish a technology company that understands the strategic needs of government organizations. He is a fellow at the Arizona State University’s, Center for Law, Science and Innovation where he researched the disruptive implications of blockchain technology, drones, and other emerging technology.

Brent Wilson

Co-Founder, CTO

Brent Wilson has 25 years of experience in software development, app development and web application development. As CTO, Brent oversees VAT’s software development and aligns VAT’s technical capabilities to advise and execute on serviceable gaps for customers as they seek innovative next generation technology.

Ty Richard

Lead Blockchain Advisor

Ty Richard has nearly 10 years of experience in software development and smart contract development. Ty serves as the lead blockchain advisor for VAT. Ty leverages his blockchain experience to advise, architect and build blockchain solutions for VAT’s customers and partners.

Tyler Webb

Operations/General Counsel

Tyler Webb is the operations advisor and general counsel responsible for overseeing Veterans Alliance Technology’s legal affairs, partnership and operations strategy. Tyler Webb attended law school at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. Tyler sits as a fellow for the Center for Law, Science and Innovation at Arizona State University and supports various start ups, community organizations and various small business owners with his legal expertise.